Chou pastry filled with cream


  1. 300g Blédor Pâtissière
  2. 200g Butter
  3. 500ml Water Alignment
  4. 10g Salt
  5. 9-10 Whole eggs


Custard Cream

  1. 100g Blédor Pâtissière or Blédor Multi- Usages
  2. 1 litre Milk
  3. 200g Sugar
  4. 4 Eggs



  • From a choux pastry prepare chou buns.
  • While they cool, prepare the custard cream. In a pot, bring milk to the boil.
  • In the meantime, separate the eggs. Beat the yolks and sugar until whitening and then gently add the flour. Pour a portion of the milk and keep beating.
  • Pour this mixture into the boiling milk and cook for 2 minutes, always stirring. Transfer into another (cold) container and cover with a film to prevent the formation of a crust. Refrigerate once cold and flavour to taste before filling the choux and decorating.
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