Chou Pastry


  1. 300g Blédor Pâtissière
  2. 200g Butter
  3. 500ml Water or milk
  4. 10g Salt
  5. 9 to 10 Whole eggs



  1. Bring the water to a boil with the salt and butter. When the butter is melted, pour in the flour all at once. Mix and dry the batter on high heat.
  2. Stop cooking when the paste is smooth and separates from the saucepan.
  3. Let cool and add the eggs 2 by 2 mixing well to get a smooth dough.
  4. Using a piping bag with a fluted tip, pipe small heaps on a buttered tray and bake at 1600C for 10 minutes, than at 1800C for 15 minutes.
  5. Once the puffs are cold and dry, fill them with custard, vanilla or chocolate cream.
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