Roll biscuit (Yule Log)


  1. 125g Blédor Pâtissière or Multi-Usages
  2. 125g Sugar
  3. 30g Butter (optional)
  4. 4 Whole Eggs



  1. Place the whole eggs in a stainless-steel container and add the sugar. Beat this mixture over a double boiler until it forms a ribbon. Remove from the bain-marie and continue to whisk until completely cooled.
  2. Gently incorporate the flour in a drizzle, mixing delicately with a wooden spatula, and last add the melted butter (optional).
  3. Pour the obtained batter onto a baking sheet lined with greased baking paper.
  4. Place it in a preheated oven at 220°C for 5 to 8 minutes, without letting it brown. After removing from the oven, place it on a damp cloth until it cools.
  5. Fill with jam, buttercream, or chocolate cream, then roll it gently.
  6. Wrap it in plastic sheet and refrigerate for at least an hour before decorating (buttercream, chocolate, or your choice of topping).
  7. Decorate according to your inspiration.


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