Upside down apple pie


For shortcrust dough

  • 200 g of Blédor Multi-Usages
  • 100 g of soft butter

For caramelised apples

  • 1.6 kg of apples (8 to 10)
  • 20 g of brown sugar
  • 90 g of salted butter
  • Optional: vanilla pod



  • Blend the flour and the soft butter from the tip of the fingers. Add some water and keep mixing this way to get a nice dough. Leave to rest at chilled temperature.
  • Preheat the oven to 200°C.

Caramelised apples

  • Place the butter, vanilla and sugar in a 24 cm diameter round pan. Put it on the stove for a few minutes, just long enough for the butter to melt and mix with the sugar• Cut the peeled apples in quarters. Install a first layer (fruits on their back), covered with a second layer (fruits with their back to the ceiling).
  • Bake for 30 to 35 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the oven and place it on stove for 30 to 35 minutes - first over fairly high heat (a boil will take place), then over medium heat so that the caramel forms very quietly, without burning. If you do not have a resistant pan, leave the pie in the oven for another 5 minutes.
  • Roll up the dough onto a floured work surface, and lay it on the apples.
  • Return to the oven at 200°C for the final 30 to 35 minutes baking.
  • Once thickened, unmount by placing a dish on the pan and turning it.
  • Serve with cream or vanilla ice cream
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